I work on perception and control for fast-paced off-road ground vehicle autonomy at Overland AI since February 2024.
I finished a post-doc with Matthias Müller and Vladlen Koltun in April 2022, followed by a Research Scientist role, at Intel Labs. I worked on policy learning for contact-rich robot manipulation and navigation, and simulation for embodied agents.
My PhD work in Robotics at Georgia Tech was advised by James Hays. I also worked closely with Charlie Kemp. My PhD thesis was on observing and predicting hand-object interaction during human grasping, especially from the contact perspective. I have a Masters degree in Robotics from the University of Pennsylvania, where my thesis was advised by Kostas Daniilidis, and a bachelor's degree in electronics from Nirma University, India.
Model and dataset for predicting continuous robot gripper contact with planar surfaces from a single RGB image.
Learning to navigate large cities by training convolutional neural networks to make a navigation decision from the current street-view image.
Detection and segmentation of partially occluded objects.
We made GRASPY, Penn's PR2 robot detect and estimate the 6-DOF pose of household objects, all from one 2D image.
Our Team DARwIN won the Humanoid Kid Size League world championships.
We used a Kinect to segment spherical and cylindrical objects lying on a table, so that a robotic arm could be guided to their 3D position.
A detailed C++ guide for OpenCV through practical projects.