I work on perception and control for fast-paced off-road ground vehicle autonomy at Overland AI since February 2024.

I finished a post-doc with Matthias Müller and Vladlen Koltun in April 2022, followed by a Research Scientist role, at Intel Labs. I worked on policy learning for contact-rich robot manipulation and navigation, and simulation for embodied agents.

My PhD work in Robotics at Georgia Tech was advised by James Hays. I also worked closely with Charlie Kemp. My PhD thesis was on observing and predicting hand-object interaction during human grasping, especially from the contact perspective. I have a Masters degree in Robotics from the University of Pennsylvania, where my thesis was advised by Kostas Daniilidis, and a bachelor's degree in electronics from Nirma University, India.


OpenBot-Fleet: A System for Collective Learning with Real Robots ICRA '24

We upgraded the OpenBot robot for distributed on-robot RL and sim2real, then learned PointGoal navigation policies with 70+ OpenBots.

paper website bib video

The Un-Kidnappable Robot: Acoustic Localization of Sneaking People ICRA '24

A robot audio model that can detect where people are using only the incidental sounds they produce as they move, even when they try to be quiet.

paper website bib code video

PressureVision: Estimating Hand Pressure from a Single RGB Image ECCV '22 (Oral)

Model and dataset for predicting continuous hand contact with planar surfaces from a single RGB image.

paper bib code video

Visual Pressure Estimation and Control for Soft Robotic Grippers IROS '22

Model and dataset for predicting continuous robot gripper contact with planar surfaces from a single RGB image.

paper bib video code IROS video

ContactOpt: Optimizing Contact to Improve Grasps CVPR '21 (Oral)

Differentiable hand-object contact model that sits on top of image-based hand pose estimators and improves the contact correctness of their predictions.

paper website bib code CVPR talk

ContactPose: A Dataset of Grasps with Object Contact and Hand Pose ECCV '20 | Summer Internship 2019 (Facebook Reality Labs, Sausalito CA)

Large grasp dataset with contact maps, hand pose, object pose, and 2.9 M RGB-D grasp images.

paper website bib data, code, and models slides ECCV talk

Towards Markerless Grasp Capture CVPR '19 Workshop on CV For AR/VR

Preliminary results on a completely markerless grasp (hand pose + object pose) capture algorithm.

paper website


ContactGrasp: Functional Multi-finger Grasp Synthesis from Contact IROS 2019 | Summer Internship 2018 (NVIDIA Research, Seattle)

Functional grasp synthesis for kinematically diverse end-effectors, using human demonstrations of grasping from ContactDB.

paper website bib code


ContactDB: Analyzing and Predicting Grasp Contact via Thermal Imaging CVPR 2019 (Oral, Best Paper Finalist) | Fall 2018

First-ever dataset of high-resolution contact during human grasping.

paper website bib poster slides data, code and models CVPR talk

Summer 2017

Geometry-Aware Learning of Maps for Camera Localization CVPR 2018 (Spotlight) | Summer Internship 2017 (NVIDIA Research, Santa Clara)

Geometric constraints and semi-supervised learning for better image-based camera localization.

arXiv website bib poster slides code and models CVPR talk


DeepNav: Learning to Navigate Large Cities CVPR 2017

Learning to navigate large cities by training convolutional neural networks to make a navigation decision from the current street-view image.

paper arXiv bib poster code and models

WACV 2017

StuffNet: Using 'Stuff' to Improve Object Detection IEEE WACV 2017

Improving deep-learning object detection by looking at 'stuff' surrounding objects.

paper arXiv bib code and models slides poster

BMVC 2015

Occlusion-Aware Object Localization, Segmentation and Pose Estimation BMVC 2015

Detection, segmentation and 3D pose estimation of partially occluded objects.

arXiv paper bib

Masters Thesis

Masters' Thesis UPenn, Fall 2014

Detection and segmentation of partially occluded objects.

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PR2 Research

3D Pose Estimation Summer 2013 / ICRA 2014

We made GRASPY, Penn's PR2 robot detect and estimate the 6-DOF pose of household objects, all from one 2D image.

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RoboCup Kid Size League Summer 2013

Our Team DARwIN won the Humanoid Kid Size League world championships.

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Summer 2011

Kinect-based Object Segmentation for Grasping Summer 2011

We used a Kinect to segment spherical and cylindrical objects lying on a table, so that a robotic arm could be guided to their 3D position.

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Practical OpenCV

Practical OpenCV 2013, book with more than 82 K downloads

A detailed C++ guide for OpenCV through practical projects.

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