Success rate of the agent (fraction of episodes which end because the agent solved the task successfully) can be a useful metric to monitor while training an a reinforcement learning (RL) policy. This post shows how to do that in TF Agents, a popular RL framework.

1. Modify your environment

Modify env.step() to return the reason for ending the episode. For gym API environments, this can be done via a new key done_reason in the info dictionary returned by env.step(). The integer values of info['done_reason'] can be -1: not done, 0: task fail, 1: time out, 2: success.

Then following this TF Agents PyEnvironment tutorial and this structured observations example,

from tf_agents.specs import ArraySpec, BoundedArraySpec
from tf_agents.trajectories import time_step as ts
from tf_agents.environments.py_environment import PyEnvironment

class MyPyEnv(PyEnvironment):
    def __init__(self, **env_kwargs):
        self._env = MyEnv(**env_kwargs)  # follows gym API
        self._discount = 0.99
        self._episode_ended = False

    def get_specs(self):
        self._observation_spec = {'obs': ArraySpec(shape=(self._env.obs_dim,), dtype=np.float32, name='observation'),
                                  'aux': ArraySpec(shape=(), dtype=np.int32, name='auxiliary')}
        self._action_spec = BoundedArraySpec(shape=(self._env.action_dim,), dtype=np.float32, minimum=-1, maximum=1,

    def action_spec(self):
        return self._action_spec

    def observation_spec(self):
        return self._observation_spec

    def _reset(self) -> ts.TimeStep:
        obs = self._env.reset()
        self._episode_ended = False
        return ts.restart({'obs': obs.astype(np.float32), 'aux': np.array(1, dtype=np.int32)})

    def _step(self, action) -> ts.TimeStep:
        if self._episode_ended:
            return self.reset()
        obs, reward, self._episode_ended, info = self._env.step(action)
        obs = {'obs': obs.astype(np.float32), 'aux': np.array(info['done_reason'], dtype=np.int32)}
        time_step = ts.termination(obs, reward) if self._episode_ended else ts.transition(obs, reward, self._discount)
        return time_step

MyPyEnv’s observation is a dictionary, instead of a tensor. observation['obs'] has the actual observation tensor, and observation['aux'] has an integer-coded reason for episode end.

2. Success rate metric

This is the fun part. We will create a new metric, which can be called every time step. This is a transition metric, which is called with the tuple (TimeStep, PolicyStep, NextTimeStep) every time step. Normal non-transition metrics are called with Trajectory, which does not contain the NextTimeStep’s observation. That is necessary, because it will be the last observation whenever the episode ends, and its aux will contain the reason for the episode end.

The code for the metric is mostly copied from AvertageEpisodeLengthMetric and is pretty simple. The second line of _batched_call is the most important.

class SuccessRateMetric(PyMetric):
  def __init__(self, name='SuccessRate', buffer_size: int=10, batch_size=None):
    super(SuccessRateMetric, self).__init__(name)
    self._buffer = NumpyDeque(maxlen=buffer_size, dtype=np.float64)
    self._batch_size = batch_size

  def reset(self):

  def result(self) -> np.float32:
    """Returns the value of this metric."""
    if self._buffer:
      return self._buffer.mean(dtype=np.float32)
    return np.array(0.0, dtype=np.float32)

  def call(self, transition: tuple):
    time_step: TimeStep = transition[0]
    if not self._batch_size:
      if time_step.step_type.ndim == 0:
        self._batch_size = 1
        assert time_step.step_type.ndim == 1
        self._batch_size = time_step.step_type.shape[0]
    if time_step.step_type.ndim == 0:
      transition = batch_nested_array(transition)

  def _batched_call(self, transition: tuple):
    next_time_step: TimeStep = transition[2]
    success = (next_time_step.observation['aux'][next_time_step.is_last()] == 2)

3. Use this env and metric in policies and drivers

  • To discard observation['aux'] before feeding the TimeStep observation to policy neural networks, use a “preprocessing combiner”. Most TF Agents in-built networks support this or are planned to support in the near future. It is also straightforward to add this support by yourself if it does not exist. Look at ActorDistributionNetwork code as an example. For our case, you need preprocessing_combiner = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x['obs']).
  • Since SuccessRateMetric defined above is a transition metric/observer, make sure you use it as a transition_observer (not just observer) in PyDriver for collecting experience in MyPyEnv.

(page source)