We will use x11vnc to set up remote VNC access of an Ubunutu computer for multiple users. This setup

  • works through reboots
  • never needs physical presence at the computer
  • assumes one user with sudo permissions (called BIGUSER), and multiple other users without sudo permissions (called SMALLUSER)

Please read Part 1 for x11vnc and systemctl basics.

How to handle reboots?

On Ubuntu 18.04, the Gnome display manager gdm itself runs an X server, which presents the login screen to all users. Once a user enters their credentials, they are transferred to their own X server. We will mimic this process: create x11vnc servers for each user (on different ports) that present this login X server over the network. Once a user enters their credentials and their own X server is started, we will kill the old login x11vnc server and transfer them to another x11vnc server that presents this new X server.


For each user (BIGUSER or SMALLUSER), BIGUSER creates a pair of systemctl service files:

$ cat /etc/systemd/system/x11vnc-gdm-USER.service
Description=Start x11vnc at startup.

ExecStart=/usr/bin/x11vnc -many -shared -display :0 -auth /run/user/121/gdm/Xauthority -noxdamage -rfbauth /home/USER/.vnc/passwd -rfbport PORT -o /home/USER/.vnc/gdm-log.txt



$ cat /etc/systemd/system/x11vnc-gnome-shell-USER.service
Description=x11vnc server for Gnome shell session of USER

ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c 'while ! pgrep -U "USER" Xorg; do sleep 2; done'
ExecStartPre=+/bin/systemctl stop x11vnc-gdm-USER.service
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/x11vnc -forever -shared -find -auth /home/USER/.Xauthority -clip 3840x2160+0+856 -rfbauth /home/USER/.vnc/passwd -rfbport PORT -o /home/USER/.vnc/gnome-shell-log.txt'



  • The first service file is for the login x11vnc and the second one for the post-login x11vnc. See Part 1 to understand how services work and the x11vnc commandline options.
  • Remember to change for each user: USER (username), PORT (5900, 5901, 5902 etc. separate port for each user but same for both files), -clip (screen offsets for each user).
  • Notice how the second service waits while the user’s X server is created, and then kills that user’s login x11vnc server.
  • Eventhough SMALLUSERs cannot sudo, the + in ExecStartPre allows the /bin/systemctl stop x11vnc-gdm-USER.service to run with full privileges.
  • Next, BIGUSER runs sudo visudo and adds the following lines (one per SMALLUSER) at the end of the file:
    SMALLUSER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/fgconsole, /bin/chvt
  • This allows SMALLUSER to run fgconsole and chvt as sudo, which are useful for switching between users as described at the end of Part 1.

Finally, BIGUSER enables and starts both services for each user:

$ sudo systemctl enable x11vnc-gdm-USER.service
$ sudo systemctl start x11vnc-gdm-USER.service 
$ sudo systemctl enable x11vnc-gnome-shell-USER.service
$ sudo systemctl start x11vnc-gnome-shell-USER.service

Next Steps

See Part 1 for SSH tunneling from your local computer to the services running on the remote computer, and then controlling the remote computer using the RealVNC Viewer.

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