Coding Review
- Nice tutorials
- Static member functions
Friend function use for overloading the
operator - Smart pointers (Sutter’s Mill)
- Smart pointers as function parameters (Sutter’s Mill)
- Template implementation (ISO C++)
- Move semantics
- The
operator and perfect forwarding -
, andstd::weak_ptr<T>
- deque
- Concurrency: threading, multiprocessing
Leetcode - don’t know how to show the list of my past attempted problems
Here are the ones I’ve solved from now on:
- 1114. Print in Order
- 1115. Print foobar Alternatively
- 1116. Print Zero Even Odd
- 200. Number of Islands (connected components, disjont set)
- 1219. Path with Maximum Gold
- 1117. Building H2O (semaphores)
- 406. Queue Reconstruction by Height
- 973. K Closest Points to Origin - quickselect
- 1094. Car Pooling
- 427. Construct Quad Tree
- 865. Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes
- 609. Find Duplicate File in System
- 24. Swap Nodes in Pairs
- 1. Two Sum
- Sample from a given probability density function list, using only a uniform random number generator
- IoU from given bounding boxes
- Non-maximum suppression
- 1048. Longest String Chain
- 22. Generate Parentheses